मैं डिवाइस पर अपना ऐप चलाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं लेकिन मुझे निम्न त्रुटि संदेश मिल रहा है "एप्लिकेशन पैकेज का निरीक्षण नहीं किया जा सका", ऐप सफलतापूर्वक चल रहा था डिवाइस लेकिन फिर यह बंद हो गया, यह अभी भी सफलतापूर्वक बनाता है। अन्य ऐप्स ठीक चल रहे हैं।एक्सकोड त्रुटि संदेश: "एप्लिकेशन पैकेज का निरीक्षण नहीं कर सका"
यह कंसोल से त्रुटि थी।
दिसंबर 1 14:08:13 Marafeti गिरी [0]: LockBot [567] अंतर्निहित प्रोफाइल: gputoolsd (सैंडबॉक्स) दिसंबर 1 14:08:28 Marafeti Installd [31]: 0x2ff7c000 handle_install: "की स्थापित करें /var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/demoMus.app "मोबाइल_installation_proxy द्वारा अनुरोध किया गया 1 दिसंबर 14:08:28 Marafeti installd [31]: 0x2ff7c000 peruse_package: ऐप जानकारी dict" /var/tmp/install_staging.44DhXc/demoMus से लोड की गई है। ऐप "में बंडल पहचानकर्ता नहीं था दिसंबर 1 14:08:28 Marafeti installd [31]: 0x2ff7c000 stage_package: पैकेज को प्रतिरक्षा नहीं कर सका /var/tmp/install_staging.44DhXc/demoMus.app दिसंबर 1 14:08:28 Marafeti installd [31]: 0x2ff7c000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: पैकेजपैकेज नहीं कर सकादिसंबर 1 14:08:28 Marafeti mobile_installation_proxy [572]: 0x39dbeb88 MobileInstallationInstall: -1 के साथ असफल रहा 1 दिसंबर 14:08:28 Marafeti mobile_installation_proxy [572]: handle_install: स्थापना विफल हुई दिसंबर 1 14:08:29 Marafeti installd [ 31]: 0x2ff7c000 handle_install: API विफल रहा दिसंबर 1 14:11:50 मारफेटी डेटाएक्साइड [83]: 0x1dd6c3b0 | डीए | नोट | खाता आईडी: E1B4940D-E02C-4ECF-B6AC-7B0DB8BAAA52 ("iCloud") (विरासत) आंकड़े DAStatusReport 0x1e8e9d80: { DASRAccountType = IMAPNotes; DASRPersistentUUID = "E1B4940D-E02C-4ECF-B6AC-7B0DB8BAAA52"; DASRTimeSpan = "37.06999397277832"; } =======
AccountID: ABEE9E0F-D30B-488C-AE35-0A67FFC9D0A8 ("Gmail") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1ddc6af0: {
DASRAccountType = IMAPNotes;
DASRPersistentUUID = "ABEE9E0F-D30B-488C-AE35-0A67FFC9D0A8";
DASRTimeSpan = "36.95116698741913";
AccountID: 00D54212-0B42-4D2E-A7CF-517815381FCC ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1e8e5e30: {
DASRAccountType = CalDAV;
DASRFailedNetworkRequests = 3;
DASRPersistentUUID = "00D54212-0B42-4D2E-A7CF-517815381FCC";
DASRSuccessfulRequests = 1;
DASRTimeInNetworking = "0.1138659119606018";
DASRTimeSpan = "36.83354198932648";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1e889060> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (null)
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)
Associated with account: <MobileCalDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1ddc7740>: accountID 00D54212-0B42-4D2E-A7CF-517815381FCC persistentUUID 00D54212-0B42-4D2E-A7CF-517815381FCC
AccountID: 939CC513-0027-4F6E-821B-CC14022CA49A ("Oxinai") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1e8ece00: {
DASRAccountType = CalDAV;
DASRFailedNetworkRequests = 3;
DASRPersistentUUID = "939CC513-0027-4F6E-821B-CC14022CA49A";
DASRSuccessfulRequests = 1;
DASRTimeInNetworking = "0.06468302011489868";
DASRTimeSpan = "36.41551601886749";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1ddfb950> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (null)
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)
Associated with account: <MobileCalDAVChildDaemonAccount: 0x1e8e41f0>: accountID 939CC513-0027-4F6E-821B-CC14022CA49A persistentUUID 939CC513-0027-4F6E-821B-CC14022CA49A
AccountID: C82E01E9-8299-49F2-8501-B0C31E05C8FC ("Gmail") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1e8ef610: {
DASRAccountType = CalDAV;
DASRFailedNetworkRequests = 3;
DASRPersistentUUID = "C82E01E9-8299-49F2-8501-B0C31E05C8FC";
DASRSuccessfulRequests = 1;
DASRTimeInNetworking = "0.04899799823760986";
DASRTimeSpan = "36.41232699155807";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1dd7b060> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (null)
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)
Associated with account: <MobileCalDAVChildDaemonAccount: 0x1e8eea60>: accountID C82E01E9-8299-49F2-8501-B0C31E05C8FC persistentUUID C82E01E9-8299-49F2-8501-B0C31E05C8FC
AccountID: 915C5A43-FE6D-4EEE-A157-A7D26671DDAA ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1ddda4a0: {
DASRAccountType = CardDAV;
DASRPersistentUUID = "915C5A43-FE6D-4EEE-A157-A7D26671DDAA";
DASRTimeSpan = "36.39721202850342";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1e83be40> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (null)
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)
Associated with account: <CardDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1ddda0e0>: accountID 915C5A43-FE6D-4EEE-A157-A7D26671DDAA persistentUUID 915C5A43-FE6D-4EEE-A157-A7D26671DDAA
AccountID: 2F8D6492-EB6D-4C65-BB6D-29DB9B9D5FDD ("iCloud") (Legacy)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1dddcb00: {
DASRAccountType = BookmarkDAV;
DASRPersistentUUID = "2F8D6492-EB6D-4C65-BB6D-29DB9B9D5FDD";
DASRTimeSpan = "36.25405502319336";
DATaskManager <DACoreDAVTaskManager: 0x1ddcf400> state:Nominal
Active exclusive task: (null)
Queued exclusive tasks: (null)
Independent tasks: (null)
Held independent tasks: (null)
Modal-held independent tasks: (null)
Active queued task: (null)
Queued tasks: (
Active modal task: (null)
Queued modal tasks: (null)
Associated with account: <BookmarkDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1e8f1670>: accountID 2F8D6492-EB6D-4C65-BB6D-29DB9B9D5FDD persistentUUID 2F8D6492-EB6D-4C65-BB6D-29DB9B9D5FDD
AccountID: A7FA469A-9A67-4C93-8FF7-D60BC81AB75C ("Facebook") (Accountsd)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1e8a8d40: {
DASRDisplayName = Facebook;
DASRPersistentUUID = "A7FA469A-9A67-4C93-8FF7-D60BC81AB75C";
DASRTimeSpan = "36.18959897756577";
No Task Manager initted yet=======
AccountID: 34DBB43F-29EB-4B7A-B8EC-6DBAD3CE87BE ("Facebook") (Accountsd)
Stats DAStatusReport 0x1ddc1710: {
DASRDisplayName = Facebook;
DASRPersistentUUID = "34DBB43F-29EB-4B7A-B8EC-6DBAD3CE87BE";
DASRTimeSpan = "36.06168901920319";
No Task Manager initted yet=======
_contactsLockHolder (null)
_contactsWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingContactsLock {(
_eventsLockHolder (null)
_eventsWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingEventsLock {(
_notesLockHolder (null)
_notesWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingNotesLock {(
_bookmarksLockHolder (null)
_bookmarksWaiters (
_waiterIDsExpectingBookmarksLock {(
Shared DAPowerAssertionManager object <DADaemonPowerAssertionManager: 0x1dd637c0>:
Contexts asserting power: <NSCountedSet: 0x1ddf9fd0>()
Contexts held aside: <NSCountedSet: 0x1ddf68f0>()
Active Assertions: {
DARefreshManager enabled wrappers:
Topic "com.me.cal" {
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1ddc14c0 for delegate <MobileCalDAVMobileMeChildDaemonAccount: 0x1ddc7740>: accountID 00D54212-0B42-4D2E-A7CF-517815381FCC persistentUUID 00D54212-0B42-4D2E-A7CF-517815381FCC: Push state 0, style Poll, last registration: (null)>
DARefreshManager wrappers:
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1e889c90 for delegate <MobileCalDAVChildDaemonAccount: 0x1e8e41f0>: accountID 939CC513-0027-4F6E-821B-CC14022CA49A persistentUUID 939CC513-0027-4F6E-821B-CC14022CA49A: Push state 0, style Poll, last registration: (null)>
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1dd28170 for delegate <CardDAVAgent: 0x1e8af410>: Push state 0, style Poll, last registration: (null)>
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1e829ae0 for delegate <BookmarkDAVAgent: 0x1e8af570>: Push state 0, style Poll, last registration: (null)>
<DARefreshWrapper 0x1ddeeac0 for delegate <MobileCalDAVChildDaemonAccount: 0x1e8eea60>: accountID C82E01E9-8299-49F2-8501-B0C31E05C8FC persistentUUID C82E01E9-8299-49F2-8501-B0C31E05C8FC: Push state 0, style Poll, last registration: (null)>
किसी भी सलाह?
अपने समय के लिए धन्यवाद।
सुनिश्चित नहीं है ... लेकिन यह संदिग्ध लगता है: 'डेमोमस।ऐप "बंडल पहचानकर्ता नहीं था। क्या आपकी जानकारी प्लिस्ट फ़ाइल में एक बंडल पहचानकर्ता कुंजी है? –
@PhillipMills हां, मैंने इसे संशोधित नहीं किया है। – cndv
अजीब सामान ... मुझे अलर्ट अधिसूचना मिल रही है ' जब मैं अपने संसाधन में 'संसाधन' नामक एक फ़ोल्डर जोड़ता हूं तो एप्लिकेशन पैकेज का निरीक्षण न करें। यहां तक कि अगर मैं इस फ़ोल्डर को हटा देता हूं (इसे बनाने के बाद) यह त्रुटि बनी रहती है। मेरे कंसोल में दिखाई देने वाली बातें। यह जानना अच्छा लगेगा कि यह भी क्यों है। – Robbie