स्रोत: http://www.karlrixon.co.uk/writing/convert-numbers-to-words-with-php/
function convert_number_to_words($number) {
$hyphen = '-';
$conjunction = ' and ';
$separator = ', ';
$negative = 'negative ';
$decimal = ' point ';
$dictionary = array(
0 => 'zero',
1 => 'one',
2 => 'two',
3 => 'three',
4 => 'four',
5 => 'five',
6 => 'six',
7 => 'seven',
8 => 'eight',
9 => 'nine',
10 => 'ten',
11 => 'eleven',
12 => 'twelve',
13 => 'thirteen',
14 => 'fourteen',
15 => 'fifteen',
16 => 'sixteen',
17 => 'seventeen',
18 => 'eighteen',
19 => 'nineteen',
20 => 'twenty',
30 => 'thirty',
40 => 'fourty',
50 => 'fifty',
60 => 'sixty',
70 => 'seventy',
80 => 'eighty',
90 => 'ninety',
100 => 'hundred',
1000 => 'thousand',
1000000 => 'million',
1000000000 => 'billion',
1000000000000 => 'trillion',
1000000000000000 => 'quadrillion',
1000000000000000000 => 'quintillion'
if (!is_numeric($number)) {
return false;
if (($number >= 0 && (int) $number < 0) || (int) $number < 0 - PHP_INT_MAX) {
// overflow
'convert_number_to_words only accepts numbers between -' . PHP_INT_MAX . ' and ' . PHP_INT_MAX,
return false;
if ($number < 0) {
return $negative . convert_number_to_words(abs($number));
$string = $fraction = null;
if (strpos($number, '.') !== false) {
list($number, $fraction) = explode('.', $number);
switch (true) {
case $number < 21:
$string = $dictionary[$number];
case $number < 100:
$tens = ((int) ($number/10)) * 10;
$units = $number % 10;
$string = $dictionary[$tens];
if ($units) {
$string .= $hyphen . $dictionary[$units];
case $number < 1000:
$hundreds = $number/100;
$remainder = $number % 100;
$string = $dictionary[$hundreds] . ' ' . $dictionary[100];
if ($remainder) {
$string .= $conjunction . convert_number_to_words($remainder);
$baseUnit = pow(1000, floor(log($number, 1000)));
$numBaseUnits = (int) ($number/$baseUnit);
$remainder = $number % $baseUnit;
$string = convert_number_to_words($numBaseUnits) . ' ' . $dictionary[$baseUnit];
if ($remainder) {
$string .= $remainder < 100 ? $conjunction : $separator;
$string .= convert_number_to_words($remainder);
if (null !== $fraction && is_numeric($fraction)) {
$string .= $decimal;
$words = array();
foreach (str_split((string) $fraction) as $number) {
$words[] = $dictionary[$number];
$string .= implode(' ', $words);
return $string;
प्रयोग उदाहरण:
echo convert_number_to_words(123456789);
// one hundred and twenty-three million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine
echo convert_number_to_words(123456789.123);
// one hundred and twenty-three million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine point one two three
echo convert_number_to_words(-1922685.477);
// negative one million, nine hundred and twenty-two thousand, six hundred and eighty-five point four seven seven
// float rounding can be avoided by passing the number as a string
echo convert_number_to_words(123456789123.12345); // rounds the fractional part
// one hundred and twenty-three billion, four hundred and fifty-six million, seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand, one hundred and twenty-three point one two
echo convert_number_to_words('123456789123.12345'); // does not round
// one hundred and twenty-three billion, four hundred and fifty-six million, seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand, one hundred and twenty-three point one two three four five
जो भाषा, अंग्रेजी में? – m4t1t0
हाँ, अंग्रेजी में – Sree
@ user1441638 - http://stackoverflow.com/a/14315090/922198 –