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टैग के रूप में छवियों को सम्मिलित कर सकते हैं।
उदाहरण के लिए अपने वर्तमान फ़ीड से ब्रिटेन उद्यमियों के बारे में पहले आइटम निम्नलिखित विवरण टैग का उपयोग:
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This morning in London, the UK's answer to <a href="">
Startup America</a> launches, titled - guess what? - <a href="">Startup Britain</a>.
That similarity aside, the initiative has been put together by a number of existing UK entrepreneurs and
is not being backed by any government money, unlike the Obama initiative. Instead, we have here a
ground-up entrepreneur-led initiative which is seeing over 60 leading brands offer services to
up-and-coming startups in the UK. This is not specifically about tech startups - but it may well appeal to that sector.
The campaign is being launched by Prime Minister David Cameron, who is known to be very pro-enterprise.
The UK has 270,000 businesses that start up every year but many fail due to a lack of support. So in
effect the Startup Britain initiative is doing a few things much more differently. It's offering a
package of discounts and free trial on business services like insurance, broadband, advertising,
office space and more. The claim is that this amounts to over £1,500 in value for every startup
company in Britain. Startup Britain is a portal site to a package of these services.
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टेकक्रंच है कि आप से काम कर सकता था उनके फ़ीड में उदाहरण है