आप fabric.network
def prompt_for_password(prompt=None, no_colon=False, stream=None):
Prompts for and returns a new password if required; otherwise, returns
A trailing colon is appended unless ``no_colon`` is True.
If the user supplies an empty password, the user will be re-prompted until
they enter a non-empty password.
``prompt_for_password`` autogenerates the user prompt based on the current
host being connected to. To override this, specify a string value for
``stream`` is the stream the prompt will be printed to; if not given,
defaults to ``sys.stderr``.
from fabric.state import env
handle_prompt_abort("a connection or sudo password")
stream = stream or sys.stderr
# Construct prompt
default = "[%s] Login password for '%s'" % (env.host_string, env.user)
password_prompt = prompt if (prompt is not None) else default
if not no_colon:
password_prompt += ": "
# Get new password value
new_password = getpass.getpass(password_prompt, stream)
# Otherwise, loop until user gives us a non-empty password (to prevent
# returning the empty string, and to avoid unnecessary network overhead.)
while not new_password:
print("Sorry, you can't enter an empty password. Please try again.")
new_password = getpass.getpass(password_prompt, stream)
return new_password
यह इस तरह दिखता है में prompt_for_password
उपयोग करने के लिए सक्षम हो सकता है कि कैसे कपड़े retrieves ssh के लिए पासवर्ड, वे तो इस env
का उपयोग कर सेट किया गया है env
सेट करके प्रतिस्थापन योग्य, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि आपको स्वयं को सत्यापित करना पड़ सकता है ...